Earn Your Licence!

Accelerated Freefall (AFF) Program

What is the Accelerated Freefall (AFF) Program?

The Accelerated Freefall (AFF) Program is the worldwide standard for gaining the training necessary for solo skydiving as a licensed jumper. Becoming licensed through Airborne Petawawa and the USPA, ensures your license is internationally recognized. We demonstrate the highest quality of training for body flight and canopy knowledge curriculum. Call or email us today to learn more!


Airborne Petawawa runs a Seven Jump - AFF Program, to get you from the ground to the sky with your Solo Certification.


We require students to complete ONE Tandem Skydive during the past six months at our facility before starting the Seven Jump - AFF Program.

How long until I am solo-certified?

The AFF Program consists of seven objective level skydives with an instructor. Once passing each level you are permitted to move on in advancing your skydiving skills. The seven jumps can take anywhere from three days for a commited jumper, to three months for someone who is not as current with their skydives. It truly is up to you! We recommend high volume and saturation, especially at the beginning of your skydiving career.

Are there physical requirements?

You must be over 18 years old to skydive. Please bring a copy of your government issued ID.

Skydiving is a physical sport, but does not require excessive strength or prowess to achieve success. Moderate physical fitness is more than enough to skydive safely.

Contact lens and glasses are acceptable and no issue at all.


What does my first jump consist of?

After completing the First Jump Course and relevant ground training for your AFF Level 1 skydive, your instructor will help you gear up, and perform a minimum of three gear checks on you before you exit the aircraft. Once you leave the aircraft your instructor will not let go of you until your parachute deploys and pulls you out of their hands. At that point you will direct your canopy towards the Drop Zone and will receive instructions VIA radio headset from your instructor. The instructor will guide you all the way down, through your landing pattern and tell you when to flare (HIT THE BREAKS!) for a safe landing while performing a Parachute Landing Fall (PLF).

Now you're hooked, and you do it all again! 

How do I book my first AFF jump?

Please contact us and our staff will discuss time requirements with you and then schedule you for your first solo skydive!

How much does AFF cost?

We recommend completing the first level before commiting to the AFF 7 Jump Program.

You can choose to purchase the full jump package or pay as you go (per jump).

All equipment is included in the price. Video packages can be added to the jump to capture the incredible moment on video!

We offer our AFF Program for $2,500 (Value of $3,500).

See our detailed Pirce list below.


Licensed Skydivers

Group Chat for Drop Zone Updates and Coaching

Please join us on Signal to receive daily updates regarding start times, weather, and everything Airborne Petawawa!


Has it been a few months since you have gone for a skydive? We can get you current in one jump with some ground training. Coaching availalbe for all disciplines (Progression, Wingsuit, Freefling, Recurrency etc)


See Price List below!


Please bring: Logbook


Equipment Requirements

Regardless of Licence, Rating or Experience all jumpers are required to utilize an Automatic Activation Device (AAD) at Airborne Petawawa.


Must show proof of current (within 180 days) reserve pack by certified FAA Rigger.


Military Conversions

What is it and what does it cost?

At Airborne Petawawa we support our serving community. We aim to convert your military qualifications such as Military Square Parachutist or Military Free Fall Parachutist, in the most cost effective manner possible. Please contact us to receive a quote. Cost varies depending on military qualifications and experience.

Our owner previously ran the Para Training Platoon at the Canadian Army Advance Warfare Center, and is uniquely qualified to convert your military qualification into a civilian skydiving license. Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, we welcome all inquiries.

What do I need to bring?

We require proof of qualification (Course Reports), a logbook with verified jumps, and a copy of your governemnt issued ID.

Wingsuit Course

What is a Wingsuit Course and what does it cost?

The wingsuit First Flight Course (FFC) trains skydivers to soar through the sky in a wingsuit, air navigation, and safe deployment in their wingsuit. The course consists of two hours of ground training and two evaluation jumps. After successful completion of the two wingsuit skydives, you will be given approval to rent wingsuits VIA Wicked Wingsuits.

We are the ONLY drop zone in Canada with access to Wicked Wingsuit's large selection of suits in all shapes, sizes and brands including SQRL and Tonysuit.


Includes: Ground Training, Wingsuit Rental and HD Video with debrief

Requires Two Evaluation Jumps: Jump Tickets and Parachute Rental are NOT included in price.

See Price List below.

Prerequisites for Wingsuiting

In order to Wingsuit, you must have the following:

B - Licence

200 Jumps

9' Bridal

Wing loading of 1.3 or lower

I don't have a wingsuit, can I still take the course?

Yes! The wingsuit rental is included in the course fee. Completing the course will give you acess to wingsuit rentals through Wicked Wingsuits.

I require a rental rig, can I still take the course?

Yes, our rental gear can be used for wingsuiting.

When do courses run?

We are the only dropzone in Canada with a full time wingsuit coach sponsored by Wicked Wingsuits! We offer wingsuit courses daily with 24hr notice. Please contact us at skydive@airbornepetawawa.ca to speak with our wingsuit coach.

Canopy Courses

Canopy Piloting Details

If you are ready for your USPA B Licence, we provide a canopy cousre to ensure that jumpers meet  all requirments set forth by the Canopy Piloting Proficency Card.


Price Includes Ground Training, Coaching under canopy, Debriefing and Videos

Requires Five Evaluation Jumps

Jump Tickets and Gear Rental are not included in price.

See Price List below.

Water Training

“Prepare for an unintentional, water, landing!”

The purpose of water training is to improve the chances of survival if an unintentional water landing happens.  

Yes, this training meets the requirements for your B – Licence.


At Airborne Petawawa we make training accessible and affordable.

Short ground training and simulated water training experience: See Price List below.


Belly / Freefly / Tracking / Wingsuit Coaching

We offer skydive coaching in ALL disciplines due to the skilled nature of our instructors. 

Coaching is avilable on a per jump basis.


See Price List below.

Price includes: Ground Training, Lift Tickets (both you and your Coach) and Video Debrief. 

Gear rental is not included.

Recurrency Jumps

Has it been a few months since you have gone for a skydive? We provide currency taining, please contact us to and we will custamize the training to your needs and experience level.

Please bring: Logbook




Learn How to Skydive!

Accelerated Freefall Program (Value $3,500)


First Jump Course (Inc. Level 1 Jump)


Level 2 Jump


Level 3 - 7 Jumps


You Decide:  Pay Up Front  OR  Pay As You Go!

Squirrel AND TonySuits Endorsed Coach

Canopy Course

Piloting Proficiency

Water Training



Jump Ticket

Gear Rental

Wingsuit Rental

Coaching All Disciplines

Reserve Re-Pack

Packing Class

Licensed Skydivers

$50 /Jump

$45 /Jump

$40 /Jump

$180 /Jump

$160 /Pack

$50 /Student


(Not Inc. Equipment Rental)

First Flight Course
